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Food Manufacturing: Naver Cafe Food Manufacturing, Food Manufacturing, Food Manufacturing Facilities, HACCP, HACCP, Food Manufacturing License, Food Manufacturing Consulting Naver No. 1 Cafe. naver.com Food Manufacturing: Naver Cafe Food Manufacturing
Vendor Search Bulletin Board Vendor Search Bulletin Board
There are a lot of posts that look for and advertise sub-divided agencies There are a lot of posts that look for and advertise sub-divided agencies
There is an agency that specializes in food packaging. If you go to a cafe called “Food Manufacturing,” you can contact these companies. You can get a quote by posting a post, searching for it and contacting it. The cost varies depending on the content of the work, but the simple subdivision work seems to cost about 500 won per case. Not only do they pack them, but there are also companies that can label them and ship them by courier. If you need a subdivision, please find a company that meets the requirements and leave it to me. Thank you for reading 🙂 We have opened a Kakao Talk room. If there is any difficulty or vague part of the seller’s activities, I recommend you to do it together rather than alone! https://open.kakao.com/o/gYcMt06f There is an agency specializing in food subdivision packaging. If you go to a cafe called “Food Manufacturing,” you can contact these companies. You can get a quote by posting a post, searching for it and contacting it. The cost varies depending on the content of the work, but the simple subdivision work seems to cost about 500 won per case. Not only do they pack them, but there are also companies that can label them and ship them by courier. If you need a subdivision, please find a company that meets the requirements and leave it to me. Thank you for reading 🙂 We have opened a Kakao Talk room. If there are any difficulties or vague points while working as an exhibitor, I recommend you to do it together rather than alone! https://open.kakao.com/o/gYcMt06f
This is a place to communicate with information exchange among online sellers, including #SeoSeoSeoSeo#Kupin, who make money through online distribution of a :)open.kakao.com This is a place to communicate with online sellers, including #Seuss #Kupin, who make money through online distribution of written a :)open.kakao.com
Start now, get perfect later Write a Dream #SmartStore #Kupin #OnlineDistribution #OnlineSeller #ShoppingMall #OnlineMarket Start now, get perfect later Write a Dream #SmartStore #Kupin#OnlineDistribution#OnlineSeller#ShoppingMall#OnlineMarket