팅크웨어 —- “로봇청소기도 AI”… “자율주행… AI”

로봇청소기도 AI였다 한달새 95% 오른 주가 더 빨아들일까-머니투데이, 한국 로봇청소기 시장 큰 폭 성장 수혜종목은? 로봇청소기 시장 규모가 빠르게 성장하면서 관련주에 대한 투자자들의 관심이 늘고 있다. 꾸준히 증가하는 판매량과 AI(인공지능) 기술 도입을 통한 신성장동력 확보가 향후 모멘텀으로 작용할 전망이다. 완성형 제품 업체의 열기에 부품 시장에도 온기가 흐른다. 4일 홈서비스 로봇업체 에브리봇은 전 거래일보다 210원(news.mt.co.kr ) 로봇청소기도 AI였다 한달새 95% 오른 주가 더 빨아들일까-머니투데이, 한국 로봇청소기 시장 큰 폭 성장 수혜종목은? 로봇청소기 시장 규모가 빠르게 성장하면서 관련주에 대한 투자자들의 관심이 늘고 있다. 꾸준히 증가하는 판매량과 AI(인공지능) 기술 도입을 통한 신성장동력 확보가 향후 모멘텀으로 작용할 전망이다. 완성형 제품 업체의 열기에 부품 시장에도 온기가 흐른다. 4일 홈서비스 로봇업체 에브리봇은 전 거래일보다 210원(news.mt.co.kr )

出典 / mt。naverhttps://www.mk.co.kr/news/economy/10789611 出典 / mt。naverhttps://www.mk.co.kr/news/economy/10789611


出典 / mk···naverhttps://mall.inavi.com/front/viewMain.do 出典 / mk···naverhttps://mall.inavi.com/front/viewMain.do

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Businesses in electric vehicles stand out. If you look at the Thinkware website, the business is noticeable in relation to electric vehicles that have a prominent business relationship with Tesla. Looking at the Thinkware website, Tesla’s business relationship stands out

Source/Electronic Publication Thinkware was established in March 1997 and operates navigation and Map S/W, vehicle black boxes, tablet PCs, and LBS (location-based services) businesses. Starting with the launch of “Inavi Black,” which is linked to Inavi Navigation, he entered the business, and later established a lineup of popular and high-end products through the launch of high-definition black boxes from HD to QHD. It enhances the driver’s driving convenience, such as lane departure warning, forward rear-end collision warning, and notice of departure of the car in front of it. In June 2023, consolidated-based sales increased 17.2% year-on-year, operating profit increased 1035.9% and net profit decreased 42.2% year-on-year. As state-of-the-art safety devices are required to be installed, demand for driving safety devices such as rear cameras, indoor cameras, and safe driving support terminals, including drive recorders, is increasing. Strong performance in smart card and environmental household appliances (Roborak) business sectors led to external growth, but operating profit and loss will not improve due to rising costs. The drive recorder/map platform business is securing various distribution channels, expanding the overseas export market, and expanding the supply of B2B such as finished car manufacturers/telecommunication companies/portal companies. Robot vacuum cleaner box office is estimated to further strengthen sinkware performance and brand power As the “Roborak gust” is so high, it is expected that the contribution of corporate performance will be great Source/Electronic Publication Thinkware was established in March 1997 and operates navigation and Map S/W, vehicle black boxes, tablet PCs, and LBS (location-based services) businesses. Starting with the launch of “Inavi Black,” which is linked to Inavi Navigation, he entered the business, and later established a lineup of popular and high-end products through the launch of high-definition black boxes from HD to QHD. It enhances the driver’s driving convenience, such as lane departure warning, forward rear-end collision warning, and notice of departure of the car in front of it. In June 2023, consolidated-based sales increased 17.2% year-on-year, operating profit increased 1035.9% and net profit decreased 42.2% year-on-year. As state-of-the-art safety devices are required to be installed, demand for driving safety devices such as rear cameras, indoor cameras, and safe driving support terminals, including drive recorders, is increasing. Strong performance in smart card and environmental household appliances (Roborak) business sectors led to external growth, but operating profit and loss will not improve due to rising costs. The drive recorder/map platform business is securing various distribution channels, expanding the overseas export market, and expanding the supply of B2B such as finished car manufacturers/telecommunication companies/portal companies. Robot vacuum cleaner box office is estimated to further strengthen sinkware performance and brand power As the “Roborak gust” is so high, it is expected that the contribution of corporate performance will be great

I’ve talked to Judam of Tinkware on the phone Tinkware was advancing N.R/I.R with Ubibelox Refer to the announcement. It is said that Hyundai Motor Group is jointly developing a self-driving platform with Forty-Dot As the era of self-driving comes along with the era of electric vehicles, the announcement of plans to build self-driving infrastructure is expected to have a positive effect as a long-term momentum for Thinkware I’ve talked to Judam of Tinkware on the phone Tinkware was advancing N.R/I.R with Ubibelox Refer to the announcement. It is said that Hyundai Motor Group is jointly developing a self-driving platform with Forty-Dot As the era of self-driving comes along with the era of electric vehicles, the announcement of plans to build self-driving infrastructure is expected to have a positive effect as a long-term momentum for Thinkware

Thinkware is the number one supplier of black box/robot vacuum cleaners (robot lock sales) and self-driving platform/map services in Korea For self-driving, we believe that the technology of convergence between augmented reality (XR) navigation and drive recorders is very important Thinkware is the number one supplier of black box/robot vacuum cleaners (robot lock sales) and self-driving platform/map services in Korea For self-driving, we believe that the technology of convergence between augmented reality (XR) navigation and drive recorders is very important

It seems to be important in interpreting Thinkware/Ubiberox https://youtu.be/UfBBGfd2rTE?si=EpHijbEV2CTRydak It seems to be important in interpreting Thinkware/Ubiberox https://youtu.be/UfBBGfd2rTE?si=EpHijbEV2CTRydak

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